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Echo Srm 225 Trimmer Head Replacement

The Echo SRM 225 trimmer is a popular choice among consumers who need a reliable and powerful trimmer. The SRM 225 is a great tool for trimming grass and small weeds, but it can also be used to edge sidewalks and driveways. The Echo SRM 225 trimmer head can wear out over time, making it necessary to replace it. In this article, we'll discuss how to replace the Echo SRM 225 trimmer head and provide some tips for maintaining your Echo trimmer.

How to Remove the Old Trimmer Head

The first step in replacing your Echo SRM 225 trimmer head is to remove the old one. To do this, you'll need to remove the nut and the spacer from the trimmer shaft. To do this, turn the trimmer on its side and use a wrench to loosen the nut. Once you've removed the nut and the spacer, you should be able to slide the old trimmer head off the shaft.

How to Install the New Trimmer Head

Once you've removed the old trimmer head, you can install the new one. Start by sliding the new trimmer head onto the shaft and securing it with the nut and spacer. Make sure the trimmer head is tightly secured. Once you've secured the trimmer head, turn the trimmer over and test the operation.

Tips for Maintaining Your Echo SRM 225 Trimmer

To ensure optimal performance of your Echo SRM 225 trimmer, it's important to take proper care of it. Here are some tips for maintaining your Echo trimmer:

• Keep it clean. Make sure to clean the trimmer head and shaft regularly. This will help prevent wear and tear on the trimmer head, as well as keep the trimmer operating at peak performance.

• Sharpen the blades. Sharp blades will cut grass and weeds more effectively, so it's important to sharpen the blades regularly.

• Change the oil. Regularly change the oil in your Echo trimmer to make sure it operates smoothly.

• Check the spark plug. Make sure to check the spark plug occasionally to make sure it's in good condition.

• Store it properly. When not in use, store your Echo trimmer in a dry, cool place.

Following these tips will help keep your Echo SRM 225 trimmer in top condition and ensure optimal performance.


Replacing the Echo SRM 225 trimmer head is an easy task that anyone can do. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily remove the old trimmer head and install the new one. To get the most out of your Echo trimmer, it's important to maintain it properly. By following the tips outlined above, you can ensure your Echo trimmer is always in top condition and delivering optimal performance.

ECHO SRM 225 Trimmer - Head replacement - YouTube

ECHO SRM 225 Trimmer - Head replacement - YouTube
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