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Pool Lost 6 Inches Of Water Overnight

The water in a swimming pool is an important feature that needs to be closely monitored. When the level of the water in a pool drops drastically overnight, it can be concerning. Pool owners need to know the importance of their pool's water level, how to maintain it, and what to do if it changes drastically. This article will discuss what pool owners should do when their pool has lost 6 inches of water overnight.

Why is Pool Water Level Important?

The water level in a pool is important for a few reasons. First, it ensures that the pool system is working properly. If the water level is low, it can mean that there is a leak in the pool or that the pump isn’t working correctly. Without proper water level, the pool can’t circulate properly, meaning the chemicals and other treatments may not be evenly distributed throughout the pool.

Additionally, having the proper water level is important for the pool structure. If the water level is too low, it can put stress on the walls and the floor of the pool and could cause them to crack or buckle. In extreme cases, it could cause the pool to collapse.

How to Monitor Water Level

Pool owners should regularly check and monitor the pool's water level. This can be done by using a skimmer and looking at the water level in the skimmer. The water should come up to the skimmer's mouthpiece. The pool's water level should also be checked and monitored after a heavy rain or if the pool has been used extensively.

What to do if Pool Lost 6 Inches of Water Overnight

If a pool has lost 6 inches of water overnight, it can be a concerning sign. The first thing that pool owners should do is check to see if there are any visible signs of a leak or if the pool has been damaged in some way. If there is no visible sign of a leak or damage, the next step is to check the pool's pump and filter system. It's possible that the pump or filter isn't working correctly and needs to be repaired or replaced.

Pool owners should also check the pool's skimmer and check for any debris or clogs that could be preventing the water from circulating properly. Finally, pool owners should check the pool's drainage system and make sure it's not blocked.


Pool owners should take the water level of their pool seriously and monitor it closely. If the water level drops drastically overnight, it is important to take steps to find out why. It could be a sign of a leak or a problem with the pump and filter system. Taking the proper steps to maintain the pool's water level can help ensure that the pool is safe and in good condition.


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