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Cat Kneading And Biting Blanket

Have you ever noticed your beloved cat kneading and nibbling on a blanket? It's a common behavior that cats engage in and it can be quite a sight to behold. Kneading and biting blankets is a behavior that can leave pet owners a bit perplexed, so let's take a closer look at why cats knead and bite blankets and what this behavior means.

What is Cat Kneading?

Cat kneading is a behavior that cats engage in as a way to show their contentment. It's a behavior that is often seen when cats are feeling especially relaxed and happy. Cat kneading is a behavior that a cat will do while they are lying down, and it involves the cat pushing their front paws in and out in a rhythmic motion. This is usually accompanied by a kneading sound, as the claws are pushing in and out of the blanket or fabric.

What Does Cat Kneading Mean?

Cat kneading is thought to be a behavior that cats have inherited from their wildcat ancestors. It's believed that wild cats would knead the grass or soft ground in order to prepare a comfortable place to rest and sleep. Cats still do this today as a way to show contentment and to make themselves comfortable. It's also thought to be a way for cats to mark their territory, as the kneading motion releases pheromones from the pads of their paws.

Why Do Cats Bite Blankets?

In addition to kneading, cats may also bite blankets as a way to show their contentment. Cats have a strong instinct to bite and chew on items, and blankets are often a target of these behaviors. Biting blankets is a way for cats to show that they are feeling relaxed and happy, as well as to help them to stay focused. In addition, cats may bite and chew on blankets as a way to self-soothe and to help them to relax.

One theory as to why cats may bite blankets is that they are attempting to mimic the act of nursing from their mother. When cats are kittens, they will suckle on their mother's fur and skin in order to get milk. As cats get older, they may still have a strong instinct to suckle, and blankets may provide an outlet for this behavior.

Cats may also bite blankets in order to groom themselves. By gently biting and chewing on blankets, cats are able to remove dirt and debris from their fur, much like they would when grooming themselves with their tongue. This can help cats to stay clean and healthy.

Is Biting Blankets Unhealthy for Cats?

For the most part, biting and chewing on blankets is not an unhealthy behavior for cats. However, if a cat is excessively biting and chewing on blankets, it could be a sign of stress or anxiety. If this is the case, it's important to address the underlying cause of the stress and anxiety in order to help the cat to feel more relaxed and comfortable.

It's also important to make sure that the blankets your cat is biting and chewing on are safe and free from toxins, as some fabrics may contain chemicals that could be harmful to cats. It's best to avoid fabrics that have been treated with stain-resistant chemicals, as these can be toxic to cats if ingested.

What Can I Do to Discourage My Cat From Biting Blankets?

If your cat is excessively biting and chewing on blankets, there are a few things you can do to help discourage this behavior. One way to do this is to provide your cat with plenty of toys and scratching posts to help keep them entertained and distracted. This can help to reduce any stress or anxiety your cat may be feeling, as well as provide them with an outlet for their chewing and biting instincts.

You can also try to redirect your cat's chewing and biting behavior onto acceptable items, such as chew toys or scratching posts. This can help to redirect your cat away from biting blankets and onto items that are safe for them to chew on.


Cat kneading and biting blankets is a common behavior that cats engage in, and it is generally nothing to worry about. In most cases, it is a sign that cats are feeling content and relaxed. However, if your cat is excessively biting and chewing on blankets, it could be a sign of stress or anxiety, and it's important to address the underlying cause of this behavior. If your cat is biting and chewing on blankets, it's important to provide them with plenty of toys and scratching posts to help keep them entertained and distracted, as well as to redirect their chewing and biting behavior onto acceptable items.

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