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My Crown Fell Off And My Tooth Is Black

My Crown Fell Off and My Tooth Is Black

It is a moment that no one wants to experience: noticing that your crown has fallen off, and that the tooth underneath is now black and decaying. Whether this is a result of a blow to the head, an accident, or due to poor oral hygiene, it is a scary and potentially damaging situation. It is important to understand the causes and implications of a crown falling off and a tooth turning black, and to know the steps that must be taken in order to restore the health of your tooth.

What Causes a Crown to Fall Off and a Tooth to Turn Black?

The most common cause of a crown falling off and a tooth turning black is poor oral hygiene. Plaque and tartar build up on the tooth surface, which can cause the underlying enamel to erode. This erosion can weaken the bond between the crown and the tooth, leading to the crown loosening and eventually falling off. In addition, the tooth can become infected and begin to decay, resulting in a blackened appearance. Other causes of a crown falling off and a tooth turning black can include an injury to the mouth, extreme temperature changes, or an abnormally large bite force.

What Are the Implications of a Crown Falling Off and a Tooth Turning Black?

The most immediate implication of a crown falling off and a tooth turning black is the potential for infection. When the tooth is exposed, bacteria can enter the open space and cause an infection in the pulp chamber. This can lead to swelling, pain, and abscesses, which can spread to the surrounding teeth and gums. In addition, the decay of the tooth can cause further damage to the surrounding teeth, leading to even more serious complications.

How Can a Crown Falling Off and a Tooth Turning Black Be Treated?

The first step in treating a crown falling off and a tooth turning black is to visit a dentist. The dentist will be able to assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Depending on the severity of the damage, the dentist may recommend a root canal or a crown replacement. In some cases, a dental implant may be necessary in order to restore the health of the tooth.


A crown falling off and a tooth turning black can be a scary and potentially damaging situation. It is important to understand the causes and implications of this problem, and to take the necessary steps to restore the health of the tooth. By visiting a dentist and following their instructions, it is possible to repair the damage and restore the tooth to its former glory.

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