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2 Week Vacation What To Do With Cat

Vacations are a great time to unwind and relax, but they can also be a stressful time if you have to leave your pet behind. Cats are very independent and can usually take care of themselves, but it’s important to make sure they’re safe and comfortable while you’re away. Here are some tips on what to do with your cat when you’re away for two weeks.

Have a Pet Sitter

Having a pet sitter is the easiest and most stress-free way to ensure your cat is taken care of while you’re away. A pet sitter is a trusted individual who will come to your home to take care of your cat’s needs, such as providing food and water, cleaning the litter box, and providing companionship. Make sure to find a reliable pet sitter who has experience with cats and can provide references. It’s also a good idea to give your pet sitter explicit instructions on what to do and when, as well as emergency contact information in case something happens while you’re away.

Board Your Cat

If you don’t have a pet sitter or don’t trust someone to come into your home while you’re away, you can board your cat at a pet hotel or boarding facility. Many of these places are staffed 24 hours a day and provide your cat with a safe and comfortable place to stay while you’re away. To make sure your cat is comfortable, bring along some of their favorite toys, bedding, and food. It’s also a good idea to have your cat examined by a vet before boarding to make sure they’re up-to-date on vaccinations and in good health.

Leave a Familiar Environment

If you don’t want to board your cat but don’t have a pet sitter, you can leave your cat in a familiar environment. Leave your cat at home with plenty of food, water, and a clean litter box. Make sure to have someone check in on your cat while you’re away to make sure they’re not getting into any trouble. Also, leave some familiar items, such as toys or bedding, to help your cat feel comfortable while you’re away.

Provide Entertainment

Cats can get bored easily, so it’s important to provide them with some entertainment while you’re away. Leave some toys for your cat to play with and make sure to provide plenty of scratching posts and other items for them to investigate. You can also leave a radio or television on to provide a soothing background noise.

Keep Your Cat Indoors

It’s important to keep your cat indoors while you’re away to protect them from any potential danger. Make sure all windows and doors are securely closed and that your cat can’t escape. Also, be sure to unplug any small appliances that your cat can get into and that could be a potential hazard.

Schedule a Vet Visit

If your cat needs any medical attention while you’re away, make sure to schedule a vet visit before you leave. This will ensure that your cat is properly taken care of and that any medical issues are addressed.

In conclusion, there are several options for taking care of your cat while you’re away for two weeks. Make sure to find a reliable pet sitter or boarding facility and to leave your cat with plenty of food, water, and toys to keep them entertained. Also, be sure to keep your cat indoors and schedule a vet visit if necessary. By taking the time to plan ahead, you can ensure that your cat is safe and comfortable while you’re away.

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