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Why Does Yorkie Lick So Much

Why Does Yorkie Lick So Much?

Excessive licking in Yorkies is a common behavior that can often be concerning for pet owners. Yorkies, also known as Yorkshire terriers, are small, playful dogs that have a habit of licking their owners and everything around them. While some licking is normal, excessive licking may be an indication of an underlying medical or behavioral problem. Understanding why Yorkies lick so much can help pet owners determine if their pup’s behavior is normal or if they should take their pup to the vet for a checkup.

What Causes Yorkie Licking?

Yorkie licking can be caused by a number of different factors. It can be triggered by medical issues, stress, boredom, or even a behavior that’s been reinforced by their owners. Here’s a closer look at each of these causes.

Medical Causes of Yorkie Licking

Excessive licking can be a sign of medical issues such as skin allergies, fleas, or even an infection. If your pup is licking more than normal, it could be a sign that something is wrong. In this case, it’s best to take your pup to the vet for a checkup.

Stress-Induced Yorkie Licking

Stress can also be a major cause of excessive licking in Yorkies. If your pup is feeling anxious or threatened, they may start licking to calm themselves down. This kind of licking is often seen in puppies that have been taken away from their littermates too soon or in dogs that have recently gone through a major change in their environment.

Boredom-Induced Yorkie Licking

Boredom can also lead to excessive licking in Yorkies. If your pup doesn’t have enough to do during the day, they may start to lick out of boredom. This type of licking can be easily avoided by making sure your pup has plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied.

Reinforced Yorkie Licking

Finally, some Yorkies may lick excessively because their owners have inadvertently reinforced the behavior. If your pup starts to lick and you respond with petting or treats, they may start to lick more often in order to get your attention.

How to Stop Yorkie Licking

If your pup’s licking is caused by medical issues, the best way to stop it is to take your pup to the vet. If the licking is caused by stress or boredom, try to identify the underlying cause and address it. If the licking is caused by reinforcement, try to ignore the behavior and give your pup attention only when they’re not licking.


Yorkie licking can be caused by a number of different factors, including medical issues, stress, boredom, or reinforcement. If your pup’s licking is excessive, it’s best to take them to the vet to rule out medical issues. If medical issues are ruled out, try to identify the underlying cause of the licking and address it. With patience and consistency, excessive licking in Yorkies can be stopped.

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Pin on Yorkshire Terrier
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Why do Yorkshire Terriers Lick so much? | Little Paws Training

Why do Yorkshire Terriers Lick so much? | Little Paws Training
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Why Does My Yorkie Lick Me So Much? - Oodle Life | Yorkie, Animal
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