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How To Unlock Jeep With Keys Inside

Lockouts are a common problem for Jeep owners, especially when keys are left inside. Thankfully, there are several methods that can be used to unlock your Jeep, even if you don't have the right keys. In this article, we'll explain how to unlock a Jeep with keys inside, so that you can get back on the road quickly and safely.

Steps to Unlocking a Jeep with Keys Inside

The first step in unlocking your Jeep with keys inside is to call a professional locksmith. A locksmith will be able to unlock your Jeep without having to damage the vehicle or the lock. Depending on the type of lock, the locksmith may be able to open it using a specialized tool or a key. If the locksmith cannot open the lock, they may be able to create a new key for the lock. However, this could be expensive, so it's best to try other methods first.

Using a Slim Jim to Open the Lock

If you don't want to call a professional locksmith, you can try using a Slim Jim. A Slim Jim is a thin rod of metal that is inserted into the door of the vehicle in order to manipulate the lock mechanism. This method can be tricky and time consuming, so it's best to have a professional locksmith do it for you.

Unlocking the Door with a Coat Hanger

Another method that can be used to unlock a Jeep with keys inside is to use a coat hanger. This method involves inserting the end of the hanger into the window of the Jeep and then manipulating the lock mechanism. This method can be tricky and may take some time, so it's best to have a professional locksmith do it for you.

Using a Lock Pick

If you have a lock pick, you can use it to unlock the Jeep. This method involves inserting the pick into the keyhole of the lock and then manipulating the tumblers until the lock opens. This method can be tricky, so it's best to have a professional locksmith do it for you.

Using a Lubricant to Open the Lock

If the lock is stuck or otherwise won't open, you can try using a lubricant. This method involves spraying a lubricant into the keyhole of the lock and then manipulating the tumblers until the lock opens. This method can be tricky, so it's best to have a professional locksmith do it for you.

Replacing the Lock Cylinder

If none of the above methods work, you may need to replace the lock cylinder. This involves removing the old lock cylinder and replacing it with a new one. This can be tricky, so it's best to have a professional locksmith do it for you.


Unlocking a Jeep with keys inside can be tricky, but it can be done. The best way to do this is to call a professional locksmith, as they will have the tools and experience to open the lock without damaging the vehicle or the lock. However, if you don't want to call a locksmith, there are other methods that can be used to unlock the Jeep, such as using a Slim Jim, a coat hanger, a lock pick, or a lubricant. In some cases, you may even need to replace the lock cylinder. Whatever method you choose, it's best to have a professional locksmith do it for you to ensure the job is done properly.

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