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Why Is My Poop Flat And Wide

Why Is My Poop Flat And Wide?
Pooping is an essential part of our daily lives and an important indicator of our health. We all have different experiences with pooping, ranging from constipation to diarrhea. But what happens when your poop is flat and wide? This can be a sign of an underlying health problem, and understanding what causes this type of poop can help you address the issue.

What Causes Flat and Wide Poop?
When it comes to your poop, there are a few different factors that can influence its shape and consistency. Your diet, lifestyle, and medical conditions can all play a role in the way your poop looks when you go to the bathroom. Some of the common causes of flat and wide poop include:

H2: Dietary Habits
The food you eat can affect the shape, size, and consistency of your poop. If you consume a lot of processed foods or have an unhealthy diet, this can lead to flat and wide poop. Eating too much fat, too much fiber, or not enough fiber can all contribute to this type of poop.

H3: Medical Conditions
Certain medical conditions can also cause flat and wide poop. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and celiac disease are all possible causes. Additionally, certain medications can cause flat and wide poop. If you are taking any medications and have noticed changes in your poop, you should speak to your doctor about the possible side effects.

H4: Lifestyle Factors
Your lifestyle can also affect the shape and size of your poop. For example, if you are not drinking enough water or not getting enough exercise, this can lead to constipation and hard, dry stools.

Flat and wide poop can be caused by a variety of factors, including dietary habits, medical conditions, and lifestyle choices. If you are experiencing this type of poop, it is important to speak to your doctor to determine the cause and find the best treatment plan. By addressing the underlying issue, you can help ensure that your poop returns to a healthy and normal shape and size.

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2nd pic. Really flat poop. I kinda forced this one out because I had to
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