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How To Light A Pilot Light On A Furnace

The pilot light on a furnace is an important feature that must be functioning correctly in order for the furnace to work properly. It is a small flame that is always burning, and it is what ignites the main burner when the furnace is turned on. If the pilot light goes out, then the furnace will not be able to operate correctly. Fortunately, it is usually not too difficult to relight the pilot light. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions for how to light a pilot light on a furnace.

Steps to Light a Pilot Light on a Furnace

Step 1: Locate the Pilot Light
The first step is to locate the pilot light. This will usually be near the bottom of the furnace, near the main burner. It is typically a small, round opening in the side of the furnace.

Step 2: Shut off the Gas
Once the pilot light has been located, you will need to shut off the gas. This will prevent any gas from flowing into the furnace while you are attempting to light it. You can do this by turning the knob that is located near the pilot light.

Step 3: Clean the Pilot Light
Before attempting to light the pilot light, you should use a clean rag to clean the area around it. This will ensure that the flame is able to burn properly.

Step 4: Light the Pilot Light
Once the area has been cleaned, you can light the pilot light. You can do this by using a long match or lighter. Hold the match or lighter near the pilot light and turn the knob back on. This will allow the gas to flow through the pilot light and the flame should ignite.

Step 5: Check the Flame
Once the flame is lit, you should check to make sure that it is burning properly. The flame should be a steady blue color and should not be flickering or jumping around. If it is, then you may need to adjust the knob or clean the area around the pilot light again.

Step 6: Turn on the Furnace
Once the flame is burning properly, you can turn the furnace back on. You may need to wait a few moments before the furnace will start up.

Step 7: Monitor the Pilot Light
Once the furnace is running, you should monitor the pilot light to make sure that it is still burning properly. If the flame goes out, then you will need to repeat the steps above to relight it.

Relighting the pilot light on a furnace is not a difficult task. If you follow the steps outlined above, you should be able to get the pilot light lit and the furnace running in no time. If you find that the pilot light is going out frequently, then you may need to call a professional to inspect the furnace and make sure that everything is functioning properly.

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