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Why Is My Cat Pulling His Hair Out

The behavior of cats pulling out their own fur is a worrying phenomenon that can be caused by a variety of different factors. This condition, called psychogenic alopecia, is not only potentially damaging to your pet's health, but is also a sign of distress. In order to help your cat, it is important to understand the underlying causes and possible solutions.

What Causes Cats to Pull Out Their Fur?

There are a variety of underlying reasons why a cat may begin to pull out their own fur. In some cases, it can be due to a medical condition like allergies or parasites; alternatively, psychological issues such as boredom or anxiety can be the cause. Stress can also contribute to the behavior, whether it be due to a new pet, a loud sound, or even a change in routine. It is essential to identify the cause in order to provide the best care for your pet.

How Can I Help My Cat?

The first step in helping your cat is to ensure that any underlying medical issues are ruled out. A visit to the veterinarian can help determine whether your cat is suffering from an underlying medical condition. If a medical issue is ruled out, then you can begin to address any psychological issues that may be causing your pet distress.

If your cat is displaying signs of stress or anxiety, then it may be helpful to create a calming environment. Providing your cat with a quiet, comfortable place to relax can help reduce their stress levels. Additionally, providing toys and stimulating activities can help to divert their attention away from their fur pulling behavior.

How to Prevent Fur Pulling in Cats

Once the underlying cause of the behavior is addressed, it is important to take steps to prevent further fur pulling. Keeping your cat's claws trimmed can help to reduce the damage caused by scratching, as can investing in scratching posts or mats. Additionally, providing ample environmental enrichment to your pet can help to reduce their levels of boredom or anxiety.

Finally, it is important to be aware of the signs of stress in cats, as this can help to identify potential triggers for fur pulling in the future. Common signs of stress include hiding, vocalizing, and changes in behavior.


Fur pulling in cats can be a worrying behavior, but understanding the underlying cause and taking steps to reduce stress can help to reduce the occurrence of this behavior. If you are concerned about your pet's fur pulling, then it is important to visit a veterinarian to rule out any medical causes and to address any psychological issues. Additionally, providing environmental enrichment and preventing further damage through claw trimming and scratching posts can help to reduce fur pulling in cats.

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